What Does Vegan Skincare ‘Really’ Mean?

Well, I mean, it’s obvious at first. The definition of vegan is ‘eating, using, or containing no food or other products derived from animals.’ Therefore, vegan skincare is simply a product that is formulated with no ingredients derived from animals and is for use on and taking care of our skins condition. It also means that there is absolutely no harm to animals tolerated; essentially here we are referring to the term you would simply call ‘Cruelty Free’.

If we dig a little deeper and summarise it as best we can (in an attempt to keep this brief and as readable as possible), the following key factors about the true meaning of vegan skincare are:

  • User Friendly – This means a vegan skincare brand is non discriminative and can be used by any individual. Our values are aligned with your values. The goodness in our products can be used by literally anyone!
  • Sustainability – Vegan skincare relies solely on using the most naturally occurring ingredients and doesn’t rely upon any unnatural growing or harvesting of animals or their by-products. We make a conscious effort for the earth and looking after her longevity.
  • All Natural – Absorbing natures goodness without the encumbrance of unnecessary ingredients. Our bodies are natural, so it makes sense to be using products that are also naturally derived and formulated.

There is no valid reason why skincare products should be tested on animals. With Skóra, you know that your passion for cruelty free and ethical products is shared and genuine.

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Until next time,


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